This podcast is a series of lectures given to support an Introduction to Abnormal Psychology course at Portland Community College in Portland, Oregon, USA. The podcast has supportive written materials that can be downloaded (although I have not looked at these). Dana Leighton covers PTSD as well as Dissociative and Somatoform Disorders. He begins the lecture by talking through all the key features of PTSD as well as playing a ‘video’ to his audience (of which only the audio is available for the podcast listener). He specifically mentions Vietnam and Middle East combat.
Listeners may like to know that the latter half of the lecture could be skipped as once he’s finished discussing PTSD, he does not go back to this strand of the lecture.
His delivery style is rather boring and he uses clinical language throughout; however this can help to dull any possibility of the material triggering symptoms for listeners. I am not able to comment on the veracity of the information given but can say that, although I found it hard to initially connect with the podcast (as the format is not in easy-listening sound bytes), I did persevere and found it to be informative ESPECIALLY AS, it is the ONLY podcast I’ve found that mentions dissociative disorders.
An archive of the podcast can be found here.
Who do you think this resource would be most useful for?
People with PTSD
Friends and Families
Survivors of childhood trauma
Survivors of sexual assault
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How helpful was this resource overall, on the 5 star rating scale? 3
Very unhelpful
Neither helpful nor unhelpful
Very Helpful
Reviewed by an Expert-by-Experience (non military).