The Bourne Identity is a 2002 action thriller film based on Robert Ludlum's novel of the same name. It stars Matt Damon as Jason Bourne, a man suffering from extreme memory loss and attempting to discover his true identity amidst a clandestine conspiracy within the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
I found this a gripping film (at times, it will have you on the edge of your seat). It is emotinal, action packed and interesting. To understand it, you must watch it from beginning to end. The film shows how someone could instill feelings into another person, changing their behaviour. I felt uneasy watching this aspect of the film. PTSD is not openly stated in the film but the most telling clue that Bourne had PTSD was his flashbacks. As someone that has suffered these, I found them convincing and realistic. I think the film could be distrubing for some. This film gives an understanding of the effects of PTSD and shows that it can arise from a traumatic event.
See official trailer:
Who do you think this resource would be most useful for?
People with PTSD
Friends and Families
Survivors of childhood trauma
Survivors of sexual assault
Other (please state): broadly relevant as entertainment
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Clinical Expert
No direct experience of PTSD