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Help for Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse


Carolyn Ainscough & Kay Toon





breaking free PTSD


This book is designed to help survivors of child sexual abuse. It investigates all the effects of child sexual abuse, which often persist into adult life - guilt and shame, depression and anxiety, eating disorders, fear of relationships and sexual problems. It includes discussion of false memory syndrome and female abusers, and draws on accounts of survivors who want their voices to be heard, offering a positive and optimistic approach to help survivors break free from the past.


Carolyn Ainscough is a clinical psychologist who has dedicated herself to helping survivors of sexual abuse through support groups and one-on-one counseling. Kay Toon is a clinical psychologist who has dedicated herself to helping survivors of sexual abuse through support groups and one-on-one counseling.


I found the book interesting and easy to read. I think it should mainly be aimed at family and friends as it gives great insight to what has happened in others’ childhood past (sexually). It was not easy for me to read in the sense that I my trauma was very current at the time of reading and I felt quite disturbed whilst reading the book.


Who do you think this resource would be most useful for?


  • People with PTSD

  • Friends and Families

  • Clinicians

  • Veterans

  • Survivors of childhood trauma

  • Survivors of sexual assault

  • Other (please state):  


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How helpful was this resource overall, on the 5 star rating scale?       4


  1. Very unhelpful

  2. Unhelpful,

  3. Neither helpful nor unhelpful

  4. Helpful

  5. Very Helpful


Reviewed by a female Expert-by-Experience.

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