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The effects of Post Traumatic Stress on Family, Relationships and Work


Richard Berg, CSC







This book is about war; written by a priest.


Why is a priest writing about war? He was there on the ground giving spiritual support to our soldiers and other support staff.


The rapid-fire format of this work is much like an automatic weapon, but this weapon does not spit out metal rounds, it discharges love, understanding and compassion. This book will inspire those who suffer PTSD and their loved ones to take the steps necessary to get better. It will also help the rest of us to better understand our responsibility for those we send off to war and who then return filled with experiences and scars that will forever shape them.


"I know I would have benefited from this book if I had read it after my return from Vietnam over 40 years ago. The military that teaches soldiers how to kill failed to later teach us how to live. It is good that the situation is changing for our returning warriors. Perhaps this book will cause that change to quicken even more. I hope so for the lives of those scarred by PTS. The healing process is extremely slow, is never complete, and can be painful for all involved. This book will be a source of healing for many." - John A. Riherd, First Lieutenant, U.S. Army, Vietnam, Bronze Star Medal recipient


ABOUT THE AUTHOR:  Father Richard Berg has been a priest for 50 years and served as a professor, dean, psychologist, pastor and chaplain. He lives in Portland, OR, where he is chaplain to the Mary s Woods community. He is the Author of Fragments of Hope (Corby Books).


TELL US MORE: ​I am not a survivor of a military trauma; however, I found this book very informative because I have a close family member who is. It was not an easy book to read and I had to drop in and out of it in order to get through it. The scenes painted by the author were horrifying to reimagine and emotionally process. As I read the book, I was aware that it must be even harder for those that have experienced it first hand. It brought out my own traumatic experiences and gave me nightmares but I was determined to read it so that I could be a better source of support for my daughter.


Who do you think this resource would be most useful for?


  • People with PTSD

  • Friends and Families

  • Clinicians

  • Veterans

  • Survivors of childhood trauma

  • Survivors of sexual assault

  • Other (please state):  


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How helpful was this resource overall, on the 5 star rating scale?       4


  1. Very unhelpful

  2. Unhelpful,

  3. Neither helpful nor unhelpful

  4. Helpful

  5. Very Helpful


Reviewed by the mother of a veteran; an Expert-by-Supporting

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